Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A heart full of praise

Just thinking about thankfulness tonight...

I am thankful that God has blessed me with the gift of being the kind of person who is thankful by nature.  I normally don't have to fight against taking things for granted.  I am continually thanking the Lord for the sunshine, the rain, the scents of nature, animals and trees, the beauty in everything around me...

My beautiful family and the blessings I enjoy every day simply because of them...

My home, our full cupboards, our full closets, and even full toy boxes... 

Conveniences that are so helpful like automatic dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, cars, telephones, computers...

Digital cameras and video cameras, Craigslist....(some of my very favorite things)

People-----and especially the ones who make this world a better place.  You know the kind I am talking about...

Advancements in medical care...hospitals, doctors, nurses, volunteers, researchers, generous givers...

Children and the joy they bring...

Blogs, and Facebook... : )

People who give their lives for the cause of Christ...missionaries here and abroad, pastors, Sunday School teachers, food pantry workers, foster parents and children's home workers...

Friends...  Isn't friendship one of God's greatest blessings?


I am thankful that even though we are blessed with so many "things" here in America and other well-off countries around the world,  true joy does not come from these things.  If they all went away tomorrow--and someday, many of them honestly could.....   in Jesus we would still have perfect peace.

I am thankful most of all for Him.  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He is truly all we need. 

My heart overflows with praise to Him.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.  God bless you!

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