Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pictures from the park in Nanchang

So sorry to have taken a hiatus just when I was on a roll on here.  Not only have I been exhausted every night, but my mom had open heart surgery last week, and I went to see her for a few days!  What a crazy few weeks it's been around here!  (My mom is doing well, by the way.)

I forgot to post pictures of the beautiful park in Nanchang last time...

 This man was practicing calligraphy, writing with water.  Pretty cool, huh?

 Ladies practicing for a fashion show :)

 This man was playing an interesting instrument. 
 Goldfish pond. :)  Corrie wasn't too interested in them, though.
One more little story about this day.  It was hot and humid, so we were tired of walking, and it was lunchtime.  There was a restaurant right next to the park.  We went in, and our guide was going to help us order.  Of course we couldn't read the menu, and there were no pictures.  I said "You know the Chinese restaurants in America that serve some rice, meat, veggies and sauce?"  She knew what I was talking about.  "If they have anything kind of like that, that's what I'll have," I said.   She looked at the whole menu and said, "No, they don't have anything like that."  So, there you have it.  The proof that American Chinese restaurants don't serve Chinese food!  lol   We weren't really that hungry, anyway.  :)

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