Monday, September 26, 2011

School's in!

Well, folks, I haven't been on here much because SCHOOL STARTED!  And when that happens...well...I pretty much start going when my feet hit the floor, and then feel like collapsing at the end of the day. So, I apologize for making your lives so much more boring since you haven't had my blog posts to read lately.  So very sorry.

Well, we started school last week.  We got a bit of a late start because we went on a family camping trip the week before!  It was beautiful and we had a wonderful time. 

And then we got school off and running nicely.  Here was part of our first day.  We went hiking on some nature trails near our house and did some tree and wildflower identification with our friends.

And we have also had some lovely moments so far like this...

 During some down time, Jacob made a water spout for Sarah to climb and fall down from.  : )

Making some letter cookies on our first official school day.  (Did you know that you can't really use cookie cutters with chocolate chip cookie dough?  I didn't.  It didn't work.)

So, we have had some fun and rewarding learning time already.  AND we have had some bad attitudes and complaining as well.  I didn't take pictures of those times, but maybe I should.

Sometimes I read blogs and get the feeling that these families I read about are all perfect, and the children look like they are all well-behaved and loving to each other constantly.  And maybe they are...but just in case you are reading this and you think MY children are all well-behaved and loving each other constantly, I just want you to know that that just ain't true.  They are awesome, fantastic kids, and they DO love each other--even if they don't admit it-- and we do have a lot of fun together.  But trust me, they are sinners too.  : )  (Just like all of us!)

So, if you think about it, please pray for me as we plunge into another year of school and battle the attitude monster!  I am adding pre-school for Sarah into the mix, too! (but she loves it of course.) 

By the way, we saw Dr. Aaberg for her routine eye exam recently, and everything still looks great!  Praise the Lord!

I hope you all are having a great school year so far!

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